
A little about me, well I was born in 1982 and grew up in Bel Air, Maryland. I graduated from Bel Air High School in 2000. I married my high school sweetheart in 2005 and we have been together ever since. We bought our first house in Aberdeen, Maryland in 2005 and still consider it home. I enjoy traveling and still have lots of places I’d like to go. So far my favorite place has been Grand Cayman. The water is beautiful and I got to swim with turtles and stingrays while I was there.

My wife and I work full time, we have 3 dogs, 3 cats and LOTS of foster animals so we aren’t able to travel as much as we would like.


My wife is not able to have children so we fostered for a few years. We loved spending time with the kids and helping families stay together. Even though all of them have been reunited or aged out of the system we still try to do things with them. They all know no matter what life throws at them they will always be welcome in our home.


Fossils were first introduced to me when I was about 13 years old. When I was younger I was in Webelos and Boy Scouts. On one of our trips we went to Flag Pond State Park. I had a blast! I thought it was one of the coolest things ever being able to find sharks teeth. All of us found some teeth and one of our troop leaders found a large Megalodon tooth. We all got to hold the Meg. I remember thinking “I have to come back here and try to get me one of these”!

Every summer after that I would ask my dad to take me to Flag Ponds. Once a year we would make the trip down there. Every year I came home with more and more teeth. At the time, teeth were the only thing I focused on. I can only imagine now how many other fossils got left behind.

Once I got my drivers license I went down about twice a year. Always to flag ponds. Every year I would get my hopes up for finding my first “big one” but I always fell short. The largest tooth I had for years was a hemi. It was a little bigger than an inch. After a few years of me hitting the beach (2 times a year) and not coming up with any megs, I started to think that I might never find one. I thought to myself, “maybe the troop leader bought that meg and acted like he found it to get us excited for the hunt”. I was getting discouraged.

One day I decided I needed to try a different beach. I was amazed at how well I did. After my first trip, I knew that’s where I would continue to go for a while.


Fast forward to December 18th, 2016. I FOUND MY FIRST BIG ONE! It was a 3.6” Chubutensis. I was digging around some clay boulders and it flopped out right in front of me. I was in shock and I couldn’t stop looking at it. The tooth had a little damage to the serrations, but to me, it was perfect!

After that find I was really hooked. I wanted to learn more. I joined some of the fossil pages on Facebook and I started checking out everyone’s collections. I have seen some amazing stuff over the past 3 years. Last year I found a flawless 3” chub and a 3” meg on the same day. I thought I would never have a better day than that. I was wrong.

9/18/19 of this year I found a 5.155” meg!! It has beautiful beige, blue, and grey Calvert colors. It is definitely my favorite find to date!
